agua agua agua!
derek is coming! that made my day :) there's 2 or 3 other ppl coming too.
mi favorito.
saw mrs. slobodian. and then didn't see her again...sharon, eric, kwan and sam came and left. est and will left in the middle. i changed seats twice. mr. lee was there...and miss ham. talked to miss pater and mrs. smith a bit. GREAT FOOD -- SUSHI, sandwiches..tarts and baked goods...didn't take a lot though.
well, course enrollment is over..professor is not getting back to me...right now i'm in a dist. ed. course (was scared the fact that it's dist. ed. rather than a person will make it bor-ing) and a counselling course. hmm.
orange-chocolate cookies are back at work :)
i think i told phil. 1:6 to myself before i saw it was in the songs..but maybe for diff. reasons.
two of those poli sci courses look good though! maybe i will take one, even if it means friday classes...and hard work..and lowering my average...and i think there's this new one. oh, if i wait 'til next yr for the psych ones, i'll also forfeit my two other poli sci electives. which i don't know when they're showing up again..probably next year if not in the winter term.
went to airport...they're coming back on july 4th...potential al queda disaster...
=\ sucky
a few weeks ago @ church:
"forever God is FAITHFUL
forever God is STRONG [He can fix my problems]
forever God is WITH US
-the forever song
good to remember when struggling.
11:54-ish p.m.
kind of sad that dad (and brother) is leaving.. i wish i could go to hk. kinda wanna see my aunt. hk was very familiar-looking this yr...
some moments have been unproductive @ work these past two days... good orange chocolate cookies (not that that's what i've been eating all day :p ).
jap. rest. today...eel. good. yesterday my dad's car got hit and runned.
7:21 p.m.-ish, wed.
happy face :)
friends make me happy :p going to emily/samuel's softball practice yesterday was happiness-ing too :p happiness-ing..happiness-inducing... saw tracy and aaron and ralph..and met johnny. i believe i went to vbs w/ simon.
brother and dad going to hk wed. night...pray..for grandma and relatives.. :p and brother's, uh, health :p ..and my course enrollment tmw =\
doot doot doot...
yesterday @ work i got free pizza :) again :) not a business lunch this time...
last week i finished my frosh week training..though there's this conference thing in july i might have to go to. i feel very uninformed about frosh week.. anyway, hopefully i won't have to deal w/ drunk ppl, ppl who are about to drink too many, ppl who aren't supposed to be drinking...no exp. in that department..and i don't like confrontation..
hoping to run into emily @ the park tmw..though it might rain. wow i haven't seen her in two months... and hoping it won't be raining and ligntning-ing when i walk home.
shall we talk about...boys?
was gonna write this weeks ago..when i found out everybody was in "the non-gay closet". okay not everybody. but yeah, i remembered/re-realized that i don't really want him around. not sure if it was don't need him or don't want him, but it could have been both...when you realize you don't want someone around you recognize you don't need them around either right? well i guess that's not true, but... all the hook-uppers did make me wanna too..or sometimes i was like, i should get a boyfriend just so i'd have something to do...'cos all the hook-uppers are busy..w/ their hook-upees... or have a singles party so that there will be ppl to do stuff w/ (NOT to hook-up)...since all the hook-uppers are busy...esther said that that would be depressing. she also said she loves talking to me :D ..it's good for me the hooked-uppers are hooked-up though...'cos that means they aren't hooking-up w/ who i want to marry ;) no, you don't know him...
go to u.p.!!!! oh yeah i think i saw stephanie (my old supervisor there) at church last week. maybe i should talk to her this week and find out if jessica had a baby...
oh yeah, you know how awhile back i was writing about joshua 1:9 and how God was w/ ppl so thinks worked out well for them? it was work last year that made me realize that..not school :p though school shows it too. God is faithful...
f.y.i. "non-gay closet" --> when chandler & monica were secretly going out (on friends) joey told them "to come out of the non-gay closet" ..it was funny
last edited 12:30-ish
today karen got married...somebody forgot to send (and buy) her and darryl a card. or i didn't forget but i just haven't done it yet... :p
yahoo games rock. 32 000+ on text twist :p i like graffetti the best.. well i've only played 3 games on yahoo...
you know what i realized awhile ago? "i want to give You everything, give up my 1st born if You ask" (we sang that @ urbana..it's on one of the webcasts...dec. 28th a.m.?) that could apply to me via boarding school...dunno if less m.k.'s go to boarding schools nowadays (i guess it depends on where you are) but i used to be like, my kids aren't going to boarding school! still wouldn't want them to, but... and a few weeks ago at peoples i learned that that applies to parents whose kids wanna go too...(go to world missions. well i guess the inner-city is dangerous too...)
GO TO U.P.!!!! THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE NOTHING TO DO!!!! you don't have to go EVERY day of the week...