i understand the friendship part of evangelism a bit more kind of can't witness to someone and not care about them and talk to them after and stuff... and i get the friendship evangelism stuff a bit more -- friendship that's unconditional. kind of like what one of our fellowship speakers said before about going w/ someone even if you don't like the choice they're making. (she also said that Jesus never req'd that ppl believe in Him when He healed them).
the guy also cited something from a bk that i don't know the name of:
give fish, teach to fish, fishing equipment, fair pond access.
which makes sense b/c what's the point of knowing how to fish if you don't have the supplies and you can't get to the pond? but also you can't teach somebody to fish w/out giving them a fish 1st to eat. giving the fish is like relief work (emergencies, immediate needs), fishing equip. is community dev't, pond access is structural change.
also went to a seminar about muslim stuff...which was actually a lot of her making inferences based on muslim culture rather than the Bible. but it made me wanna cry...and to be friends w/ muslim ppl... and the int'l students one made me wanna be friends w/ int'l students....this guy was saying how he met some from a closed country and was surprised that they had never heard about Jesus. it never occurred to me that there are int'l students who have never heard about Jesus, at least not the real/full story.
i saw mrs. o. mr. fuller's brother did a seminar but i didn't go though i thought of going :p
went to the u.p. booth. jessica was there, but not when i was. not roo, another jessica.
on easter sunday we had a dinner for int'l students. i met some ppl from a closed country. some of them found out about some church stuff here and started going. they seemed really open to it. which was neat.
a real post
idolatrous once again. same story, diff. characters. i dunno.
okay maybe this post wasn't that much like a real post.
"what boys know about girls"
hee hee that was from a book of empty pages.