27 septiembre 2005
yesterday's trauma 
jeidy isn't mine anymore! i thought i had another year w/ her. yesterday my dad wanted to know if me and mike are going out. my brother informed me that i'd be killed if i was w/ someone who wasn't chinese. but i think if i told my dad, "yes" it would have been alright. earlier in the summer i wrote about realizing i think of doing things based on right/wrong, disobedience more than to please God. the other day i realized (rerealized?) that Jesus died for my sins already, so i can do things to bless God rather than worry about the sin stuff. on sunday when we had the Potter's hand song..i dunno if the parts before had anything to do w/ it but when we got to the part about...i don't remember the line right now, but the first part reminded me of the psalms where david is always asking God to teach him His ways. which i didn't really like. then i was like, i wanna live my life just in relationship w/ God trying to bless Him.

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